The CBSE has already declared the dates for the class 10th and 12th examinations, which will begin on February 15th, 2023. Meanwhile, class 10th exams will end on March 21st, 2023, while class 12th exams will end on April 5th, 2023. CBSE has also issued sample question papers and marking schemes for all topics to help students perform well and understand the exam format.
If you are still unclear about the most recent syllabus, sample question papers, marking schemes, or previous year’s question papers, go to Students Panda, where they provide all study materials. Students can also watch free topic-related video lectures and ask questions as Students Panda tutors as they are available 24/7 to assist you. You can also join the Students Panda crash course to revise your subjects in a limited period with the best sources.
As exams are near and around 50 days are left there are some crucial tips that board students are required to know to get 90+ scores. This is the revision time for all of the students, so here I am scribbling down some of the advice that you should avoid while studying for your exams.
- Prioritize Your Learning Topics According To The Marks
You can’t know exactly what’s going to be on the exam, but the boards do publish blueprints showing what portion of the subject will reward you how much mark. So start with that very topics and secured maximum marks. When preparing for board exams but to use study materials that are proportional to what’s covered on the exam — and to focus your attention on the highest priority items. You can find information of your subject with Students Panda marking scheme section.
- Don’t Forget To Test Yourself
The majority of students learn and forget to test themselves according to the exam patterns but these things are important. If you learn only you not be aware of the exam pattern and what kind of questions you need to prepare. Solve practice papers, previous year questions papers, and most expected questions to know what your potential is. Test yourself on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to know where you are right now and how you can prepare more. Students Panda can help you find the best online classes.
- Consistently And Continuity Is The Key
When said continuous it doesn’t mean to study continuously but you have to study in a consistent manner. Start with small portions and end it at a particular time. When you study continuously you make yourself aligned with the time and subjects. And in the upcoming days, you can give more to those particular subjects resulting in better marks. If you are confused about how to make a routine try to consult Students Panda tutors they will suggest you the best.
- Take Advantage Of Digital Resources To Study For Boards
Besides your books, you can get help from online resources. You can use videos, concepts, and ways to solve a particular question. Digital resources can help you clear up your doubts in minutes and make you understand better. You can take advantage of Students Panda videos and other study materials as well.
- Get Enough Sleep And Food
We know you know this. We also know how hard it is to achieve. But to emphasize just how important sleep is, aim for at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Try to eat and sleep properly because you need an emphasis of energy to read more and perceive a better understanding of the topics.Good sleep, good food and good mind is the secret to high scores.
- Don’t Rely Too Much On Your Instructors
Many students rely on teachers for syllabus completion or for revision classes but actually, you should not do that. You are the one responsible for all your preparation and marks. So, preparing dedicatedly teachers are only the medium to help you out. Textbooks, study guides, and slide decks can be a great starting place, but just being present and reading over the materials is not enough to guarantee that you will do well on the exam. Strategies your study and work effortlessly if you want to score 90+.
- Avoid Distractions And Study
The Internet is an integral part of our lives, but tries to avoid using it while studying. You can use it for online classes or solve questions. Strictly avoid social media platforms or other entering sectors. Reducing distractions in the study environment can help you remember more of the stuff you have just learned. This can make acing exams much easier and help you remember invaluable information even years down the line.
As examinations near, students are under a lot of pressure to complete all of their preparation so that they can achieve 90+ marks or do well in their tests. Students may lack a proper approach to follow in order to achieve high grades. If you are experiencing the same issue, then the points listed above are for you to consider.
Make a rigid routine; eat well, sleep well, and read with intensity. And because you have so little time, you have to practise a lot. Enroll in Students Panda online programmes to learn about specific topics and address your concerns quickly. Use the free sample question paper, model question bank, and test series to practise. Best wishes for your exams!